Our Stories

Messy Learning, Clear Objectives: Fifth Grade Teacher Published in ASCD Express

October 27, 2014 by Lisa Schopf (Faculty and Staff)

Our own Lisa Schopf recently published an article about Project-Based Learning in ASCD Express, a professional publication that highlights innovative solutions and best practices in education. In her article, “Messy Learning, Clear Objectives,” Lisa uses a recent project from her Fifth Grade classroom about the American Civil War to examine project-based learning as a valuable tool for engaging […]

Fourth Graders Help Decorate the Sukkah at the Israeli Embassy

October 22, 2014 by Adina S (’17) (Students) Eliav B (’17) (Students) Emmett B (’17) (Students) Gabriel T (’17) (Students) Leah Z (’17) (Students) Noah K (’17) (Students) Zachary S (’17) (Students)

JPDS-NC’s fourth graders visited the Israeli embassy to decorate their sukkah. A sukkah is a tent-like structure built from organic material with the roof having gaps in it so you can see the sky. A sukkah is used on the holiday of Sukkot to symbolize how the Israelites lived in the desert, as described in […]

Sixth Graders Participate in the World Water Monitoring Challenge

October 8, 2014 by Arava R (’15) (Students) Sami H (’15) (Students)

JPDS-NC’s sixth grade participated in the World Water Monitoring Challenge, an international educational outreach program. It helps build awareness and involvement in protecting water resources. This year, JPDS-NC’s 6th grade students went to Luzon Run, a tributary of Rock Creek Park, which is across the street from the school. In this study, you must find […]

Third Graders Build Their Own Shofars at the Shofar Factory

October 1, 2014 by Ben L (’20) (Students) Lilli L (’20) (Students) Margot W (’20) (Students) Willa R (’20) (Students) Yael R (’20) (Students)

On Monday, all the third graders went on a special field trip to the Shofar Factory. We learned a lot about making a shofar and even got to make one of our own ahead of the Jewish high holidays. A shofar is a ram’s horn that some Jewish people blow in synagogues on the holidays […]

Sixth Graders Take on Team-Building Challenges at Hemlock Overlook

September 24, 2014 by Beri G (’15) (Students)

On Monday, our sixth-grade classes went to Hemlock Overlook, a regional park in Clifton, Va., that offers outdoor environmental education and team-building for schools and other groups. There, we learned about the importance of planning and teamwork through team-building challenges. Some of these challenges were working together to solve a giant “Towers of Hanoi” puzzle, […]

JPDS-NC at the Congressional Gold Medal Ceremony for Shimon Peres

June 27, 2014 by Joshua Suchoff (Faculty and Staff)

JPDS-NC students and administrators attended the Congressional Gold Medal ceremony in the rotunda of the U.S. Capitol Building in recognition of the life and work of President of Israel Shimon Peres. We were honored to attend the ceremony and to see Ambassador Dan Shapiro and many JPDS-NC community members!

Sixth Graders Reflect on Graduating from JPDS-NC

June 25, 2014 by Ally K (’14) (Students) Bea F (’14) (Students) Gigi B (’14) (Students) Sabrina B (’14) (Students)

This week, we are graduating from the Jewish Primary Day School of the Nation’s Capital. Over the course of our final year at JPDS-NC, our teachers prepared us for middle school. Even though our workload expanded from fifth grade to sixth grade, our teachers made it possible for us to adapt to this change easily. […]

Green Committee Commits to Learning and Action

June 23, 2014 by Ronit Greenstein (Faculty and Staff)

Activities include guest speakers from NOAA and Rock Creek Conservancy, School Compost and Reduce Plastics Campaigns, and Environmental Skits The JPDS-NC Green Committee is a group of second through sixth grade students and teachers committed to helping JPDS-NC Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, and Rethink! The committee meets twice a month during lunch to plan recycling initiatives, […]

Third Grader Engineers Conduct an Egg Drop Science Experiment

June 18, 2014 by Simone K (’17) (Students)

In science, the third-graders did a project called “Egg Drop.” There were 12 groups, and each group was challenged to use recycled materials to protect an egg that was going to be dropped from the school’s roof. Each group was given tissue paper, a paper towel, packing peanuts, bubble wrap, an egg carton and string. […]

Fourth Graders Put On a World Expo

June 11, 2014 by Ellie H (’16) (Students)

The fourth grade prepared a World Expo on June 2, which included many wonderful exhibits, videos of dances, country projects, pen pal letters and more. Every fourth-grade student researched one country and learned about its physical features, holidays and landmarks, cuisine, clothing, famous people and challenges. Students decorated posters with flags, pictures, maps and essays. […]