Board of Trustees

Milton is a nonprofit private independent school, governed by a Board of Trustees. Independent School trusteeship is a position of leadership, honor, and responsibility.

The Board of Trustees, working closely with the Head of School, has the ultimate responsibility for maintaining the integrity, standing, reputation, and future direction of the school. The Board of Trustees keeps its eye on the mission of the school while it manages the changes and challenges that are part of institutional life.

The Board works to ensure that Milton remains financially stable, fiscally responsible, forward-thinking, and adherent to its mission and core values. The Board makes major funding decisions for the school, including setting the yearly operating budget and tuition, adopting investment policies, and guiding the finances of Milton. The Board also works to create and implement the school’s strategic plans and evaluates the Head of School.

The members of the Board of Trustees, who serve as volunteers, share a passionate commitment and dedication to Jewish education and support the school with their time, experience, vision, and resources.

Members of the parent body, alumni, and greater community are represented on the Milton board. The Head of School and Milton Parent Association (MPA) president serve in an ex-officio capacity on the board. Under the guidance of the board president, the board is comprised of several working committees, each of which examines key issues and makes policy recommendations that strengthen the School and support its goals.

The Milton board has four permanent committees (Executive, Audit, Finance, and Trustees) and additional long-standing Advisory Committees (Advancement, External Affairs, and Facilities). Other advisory committees and task forces may be established by the President to carry out specific initiatives.

For any questions related to the Board of Trustees, please contact Board President, Peter Federowicz.

2024-2025 Board of Trustees

  • Peter Federowicz, President
  • Jeremy Levine, Past-President
  • Monica Abrams, Vice-President
  • Rachel Loeffler, Vice-President
  • Adam Berman, Treasurer
  • Beth Tritter, Secretary
  • Kimby Berger
  • Deborah Bilek
  • Adam Cohen
  • Debra Drang
  • Orit Frenkel
  • Rebecca Gale
  • Denise Gershowitz
  • Nadine Greenfield-Binstock
  • Brenda Gruss
  • Cal Newport
  • Danny Rosenthal
  • Adam Sharon
  • Irene Sherman
  • Allison Zwibak Turner
  • Andrea Wolf