Our Stories

Torah Talk for Parashat Vayechi

January 10, 2017 by Sharon Freundel (Community)

The book of Bereshit (Genesis) ends with the deathbed blessings of Yaakov to his sons. At least, they are traditionally referred to as blessings. However, a close look at them reveals otherwise (49:3-7): “Reuven, you are my firstborn… unstable as water, you will not excel because you went up to your father’s bed… Shimon and Levi… cursed […]

The Rokdim B’Yachad (Dancing Together) Dance-a-Thon

January 6, 2017 by Hannah Seidel (Faculty and Staff)

On Wednesday, nearly 250 students, parents, staff, alumni and friends came together for an evening of dancing at the 2017 Rokdim B’Yachad (Dancing Together) Dance-a-Thon. Together the JPDS-NC community raised over $3,100 for the Jewish Federation’s Israel Wildfire Emergency Fund. The evening included Israeli dances galore – even the JPDS-NC panda made it out onto […]

Torah Talk for Parashat Vayigash

January 4, 2017 by Sharon Freundel (Community)

In this parasha, Yosef reveals himself to his brothers, prompting the entire family to move to Egypt, where Yosef reunites with his father, Yaakov. The list of the people who went down to Egypt as part of Yaakov’s family mentions only the men by name, with two exceptions: Deena, Yaakov’s daughter by Leah, and Serach, […]

Torah Talk for Parashat Miketz

December 28, 2016 by Sharon Freundel (Community)

In this parasha, Yosef interprets Pharaoh’s dreams and is appointed to implement Egypt’s anti-famine plan. This brings him into contact with his brothers again, as they come to Egypt to buy food. Yosef’s epithet is “HaTzaddik – the Righteous One.” This is an interesting appellation for a person who lorded his dreams over his brothers, […]

Sixth Graders Design Games Based on Greek Epic

December 23, 2016 by Joshua K (’17) (Students) Matan S (’17) (Students)

Sixth Grade students hosted an Odyssey-inspired game fair yesterday. Each Sixth Grader made their own board game or card game based on The Wanderings of Odysseus, the shortened version of The Odyssey that we studied. Once we finished reading the book, we started working on our games. We first needed to decide whether to develop […]

Celebrating Light and Learning

December 23, 2016 by Ronit Greenstein (Faculty and Staff) Sharon Freundel (Community)

This morning, we explored together the various meanings behind Chanukah and engaged in fun hands-on learning. Following a discussion of the nes nistar, the covert miracle of the Maccabean victory over the massive Greek forces and the nes nigleh, the overt miracle of the one day of oil burning for eight days, we lit the […]

South Campus Celebrates Chanukah!

December 22, 2016 by Gili Bitton (Faculty and Staff) Hannah Seidel (Faculty and Staff) Vered Goldstein (Faculty and Staff)

JPDS-NC is celebrating Chanukah! Watch our holiday video and see first graders discuss the story of Chanukah – all in Hebrew! – and hear Kindergartners and first graders sing Chanukah songs! We wish everyone a chag sameach (happy holiday)!

Torah Talk for Parashat Vayeshev

December 20, 2016 by Sharon Freundel (Community)

In this parasha, Yosef’s dreams anger his brothers, and they sell him into slavery in Egypt, where he eventually ends up in prison, still interpreting others’ dreams. One could subtitle the last few parshiyot, and the next few, “Jews Behaving Badly.” In each parasha, we see our forefathers and foremothers behaving in ways that are, […]

Torah Talk for Parashat Vayishlach

December 14, 2016 by Sharon Freundel (Community)

In this parasha, Yaakov confronts Esav, wrestles with a “man” who blesses him by changing his name to Yisrael, loses his wife Rachel in childbirth, and experiences the trauma of the incident with his daughter Deena. Towards the end of Birkat Hamazon, Grace After Meals, we say, “As our ancestors Avraham, Yitzchak, and Yaakov [and […]

Torah Talk for Parashat Vayetzei

December 6, 2016 by Sharon Freundel (Community)

In this parasha, Yaakov flees to his uncle Lavan’s household and lives there for several years, marrying Lavan’s daughters, Leah and Rachel, and establishing a large family. Yaakov gets very angry twice in this parasha. The first instance occurs in chapter 30, verse 2 (“Yaakov became very angry with Rachel…”). The second instance is in chapter […]