Tuition and Assistance

Tuition and Assistance

For the 2024-2025 school year, MILTON distributed tuition assistance to about 60% of its families. While MILTON expects all parents to contribute toward the tuition cost to the extent they are financially able, the school encourages those who need assistance to apply.

Tuition for the 2024-25 school year is as follows:

Tuition Activity Fee Technology Fee Security Fee Parent Association Fee
PK – Grade 4 $34,100 $350 N/A $300 $175
Grade 5 $34,100 $625 $300 $300 $175
Grade 6 – 8 $37,300 $700** $500 $300 $175

**During their child’s 8th grade year, families pay an additional fee for the 8th grade capstone trip to Israel. In order to ensure that all students are able to participate in this experience, financial assistance is available to families. All other immersive and overnight experiences are included in tuition and fees.

Affording MILTON

A fundamental goal of the school is to provide all families in the community the opportunity to send their children to MILTON through graduation. MILTON supports its strong commitment to socio-economic diversity through its Tuition Assistance program. The school offers need-based tuition assistance awards that seek to cover the difference between a family’s available resources and the cost of a student’s educational expenses.

For the 2024-25 school year, MILTON distributed almost $4 million in tuition assistance to about 60% of its families. While MILTON expects all parents to contribute toward the tuition cost to the extent they are financially able, the school encourages those who need assistance to apply.

Will I qualify for Tuition Assistance?

Families are often surprised at the amount of assistance granted each year. If you are uncertain whether you will qualify, please contact our Director of Enrollment Management, Lindsey Marks.

Duration and Commitment

  • Unless a family’s circumstances change significantly from one year to another, your tuition assistance award will not change significantly. Families may pay a certain portion of the tuition increase each year depending upon their financial circumstances.
  • Families will need to complete a Tuition Assistance application each year.
  • Circumstances that may warrant a more significant change to the award:
    • A change in income of more than 5% in either direction.
    • A change in the size of the family — i.e. new baby.
    • Another child attending Milton.
    • The family asks for a full review.
  • A reserve fund is also set aside for families who unexpectedly need assistance during the school year regardless of their current award.

How to Apply for Tuition Assistance

The MILTON Tuition Assistance program is designed to make a MILTON education possible for all families based on demonstrated financial need and the availability of funds. We are proud to announce that MILTON has chosen Clarity as our new Tuition Assistance application system. Our goal is to make the Tuition Assistance application process as easy as possible for your family. Tuition Assistance applications are due January 13, 2025. 

STEP 1 ­– Submit Your Clarity Application by January 13, 2025.
STEP 2 ­– Gather Supporting Documents
STEP 3 – Upload Additional Documents to Clarity
STEP 4 – Submit Supplemental Letter to MILTON (optional but recommended)


If you need support during the process of completing your application, there is in-app support available through the “Help” button in the bottom left of the screen, as well as email and phone support at or 206-210-3752. 

​For general questions about tuition assistance at MILTON, please contact Director of Enrollment Management, Lindsey Marks.


All financial information submitted to MILTON is treated with the highest standard of confidentiality. Following the best practices of independent schools, there are no parents, faculty members, or Board of Trustee members on the Tuition Assistance Committee.

