Celebrating Light and Learning
December 23, 2016 by
This morning, we explored together the various meanings behind Chanukah and engaged in fun hands-on learning. Following a discussion of the nes nistar, the covert miracle of the Maccabean victory over the massive Greek forces and the nes nigleh, the overt miracle of the one day of oil burning for eight days, we lit the Chanukiyah together, celebrating the fact that, “the lights will never go out.”
Using Maccabeats videos as springboards for discussion, students commented on messages conveyed by each videos:
“The video’s message is that you don’t want to give up, even if it’s a dangerous time,” said Matan S., a third grader.
“The Maccabees worked hard to show the Jews they could be who they are,” said fourth grader Netanel B.
“It’s saying that Chanukah is not just about spinning dreidels, it’s about spending time with your family,” said Zoe K., a fifth grader.
Throughout the morning, students at the North Campus also enjoyed a variety of activities such as writing and performing Chanukah skits in Hebrew, playing bingo in Hebrew, building sevivonim (dreidels) out of construction paper, participating in a Hebrew word cloud challenge by writing words related to light, fire, heat and more inside a Chanukiyah, writing slogans in Hebrew and making posters for the Dance-a-thon to support Israel, singing songs, and more!
From all of us at JPDS-NC to all of you, Chag Urim Sameach (Happy Festival of Lights)!