Category: Uncategorized
Students Program Robots to Make their own Thanksgiving Day-style Parade
November 23, 2021
Second grade created a Thanksgiving Day-style parade – led by robots! The hands-on project integrated STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math), Design Thinking and language arts learning! Students read the story, “Balloons Over Broadway” about the designer of the famous Macy’s Day parade balloons, and learned how he used the Design Thinking process to […]
Welcome to the New School Year
September 3, 2021
Welcome to the 2021-22 school year! Over the past days, our classrooms and hallways have been filled with the joy, wonder, exuberance, curiosity, creativity, and laughter of children. Our students are starting new routines, learning, asking questions, singing, praying, playing, and making connections. Check out our First Days of School video to see some of […]
- #MiltonExperience
Welcome to the Milton Board for 2021-2022
July 29, 2021
We are excited to welcome the new Board Members for 2021-2022, thank our Board Members rotating off of their terms, and share with you information about Milton’s Board of Trustees. Joining our Board of Trustees: Adam Berman is a parent of a first grader and Pre-Kindergartener at Milton, as well as two younger children. During the […]
- #DCIndependentSchool
- #DCPrivateSchool
- #JewishDaySchool
- #MiltonGottesman
- Board of Trustees
Message from the Head of School About Shaloh House
July 2, 2021 by
Usually, when I cry, I can feel it coming for a bit and – depending on the circumstance – might try to fight the tears back or decide to let them flow. But when I read about the stabbing outside of a Jewish school in Boston yesterday, the tears were instant. Thank god, the rabbi […]
- #DCIndependentSchool
- #JewishDaySchool
- #MiltonGottesman
Thank You and a Fond Farewell to Our Departing Faculty and Staff
July 1, 2021 by
We want to express our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to the faculty and staff members who are off to new adventures. Their talent and dedication have enriched the lives of their colleagues, students and the entire school and community. You will be missed and will always be part of the MILTON family! Toda Raba and […]
- #DCIndependentSchool
- #DCPrivateSchool
- #JewishDaySchool
- #MiltonExperience
- #MiltonGottesman
Lisa Schopf’s Remarks to the Graduates
June 22, 2021 by
This is a moment filled with nostalgia, appreciation, reflection, celebration, accomplishment, and anticipation for all that is yet to come. For me, it is also a moment in which I am feeling a sense of urgency as I want to be sure to tell you all I want you to know and hold onto before […]
- #DCIndependentSchool
- #DCJewishMiddleSchool
- #DCPrivateSchool
- #JewishDaySchool
- #MiltonExperience
- #MiltonGottesman
Milton Students Win Regionals in Cadena Competition for 2nd Year
May 20, 2021 by
Congratulations to eighth graders Gabriel A. and Mayer F. on winning first place in the Cadena Initiative Regional Competition and kol hakavod to Aliza L., Nava F., Michal N., and Josie S. who were named finalists in the social entrepreneurship competition. The Cadena Initiative challenges middle school students to develop projects that mitigate the effects […]
- #CadenaInitiative
- #DCIndependentSchool
- #DCJewishMiddleSchool
- #DCPrivateSchool
- #JewishDaySchool
- #MiltonAdvantage
- #MiltonGottesman
- #MiltonMoments
- #ThisIsWhy
- Design Thinking
- Project Based Learning
- Tikkun Olam
Seeking Shelter in Israel
May 13, 2021 by
Dear Families, In the summer of 2014, our family rented an apartment in Jerusalem, signed the kids up for camp and set out to ‘just live’ in Israel for a summer. We didn’t intend to tour much – the kids were still pretty young and kvetchy – but just to give them the experience of […]
An Exceptional Year
March 16, 2021
Against the backdrop of COVID, Milton’s faculty and staff came together to deliver an exceptional year of learning, joy, and connection for our students. Hear from parents, teachers, administrators, staff and students about their experiences this year, and the support, creativity, and care that made it possible.
- #DCIndependentSchool
- #DCPrivateSchool
- #MiltonGottesman
Sixth Grade Mounts Exhibition about Ancient Egypt
January 29, 2021 by
The Middle School Commons has been transformed into an exhibition space about Ancient Egypt. There, visiting cohorts get an up-close look at the daily lives of ancient Egyptians as well as how they thought about death. Developed by sixth grade students, the exhibition features in-depth research and writing about a range of topics as well […]
- #AncientCivilizations
- #DCIndependentSchool
- #DCPrivateSchool
- #Humanities
- #JewishDaySchool
- #MiltonEvents
- #MiltonGottesman