Deborah Skolnick-Einhorn
Faculty and Staff
Faculty and Staff
November 18, 2024 by
This message was originally sent to families on Tuesday, November 5, and has been since updated to reflect our Veterans Day programming. Thirty-five years ago this week, I stood in a poofy white dress and read Parshat Lech Lecha to mark my entrance into Jewish adulthood. This week’s in-school bar mitzvah was a walk down […]
June 26, 2024 by
Since 2020, a trip to Israel has served as the capstone experience for our 8th grade students. Planning the trip in this unique year, it pulled on many threads that are raw right now – with Israel solidarity and worries for our kids’ safety being at the top of those lists. The decision weighed heavily […]
November 20, 2023 by
Dr. Skolnick-Einhorn shares wisdom from our community with the larger world of Jewish Day Schools in this article for Prizmah.
October 23, 2023 by
Dear MILTON Families, Being an overly early riser – a ‘gift’ that has come with my current role – does have one upside. 5:30am here is midday in Israel. Kids are still in school there and I can sometimes reach one of my dear friends for a check-in during a quieter time of their day […]
July 8, 2022 by
In this week’s parsha – the Israelites get a little kvetchy. Moshe says: “Alone I cannot carry this entire people, for it is too hard for me . . . “ And G‑d listens. God responds by appointing/anointing 70 elders to share the load: “Then they will bear the burden of the people with you […]
April 25, 2022 by
The days leading up to Passover are always filled with excitement, but today it was next level – Milton was honored to have a visit with Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff! When we began planning our Pesach assembly a couple months back, we had a great lineup of songs, a flash mob, and an epic round […]
December 13, 2021 by
This year for Hanukkah, miracles have been abundant. Milton ran one of its four vaccine clinics on the fourth day of Hanukkah. What better way to celebrate a holiday about redemption and rededication? The parents were giddy, saying this was the best Hanukkah present they could receive. Kids were eager to plan a long-awaited playdate […]
November 4, 2021 by
This article was published in HaYidion November 2021. As a doctoral student at Brandeis, Deborah and her classmates were encouraged to design “readings courses” around topics of interest that weren’t otherwise available in the curriculum. As is sometimes the case, the one willing to do the legwork gets to chart the course, and so Deborah […]
September 23, 2021 by
Our family has moved quite a bit over the 16 years since our eldest was born. This has been the source of some parental hand-wringing, always wondering and worrying about the balance of taking on meaningful opportunities to serve our Jewish communities professionally while also personally building community for our own family. We have become pros […]