Tag: Design Thinking
Second Grade Space Expo ft. Expert Planet Books, Mars Mission Prototypes, Giant Mars Map Family Activity, Space Documentary and Guest Speaker
May 27, 2022
Second graders shared their research reports, space tool prototypes, and a presentation of their Design Thinking process at the Space Expo today. The event also included an interactive parent-child activity, a special guest speaker and a screening of the film, Space Torah. The documentary is about NASA astronaut Dr. Jeff Hoffman who brought a small […]
Pre-K Project Fosters Academic Learning, Social-Emotional Skill-Building, and Habits of Mind
February 9, 2022 by
Our Pre-Kindergarten class engaged in an investigation of identity and the interplay between identity and feelings. As the project progressed, the children reached higher levels of thinking, honed academic skills, flexed social-emotional skills, and gained a stronger sense of self and community. The open-ended exploration began with guiding questions prompting the children to identify, name […]
Milton Students Win Regionals in Cadena Competition for 2nd Year
May 20, 2021 by
Congratulations to eighth graders Gabriel A. and Mayer F. on winning first place in the Cadena Initiative Regional Competition and kol hakavod to Aliza L., Nava F., Michal N., and Josie S. who were named finalists in the social entrepreneurship competition. The Cadena Initiative challenges middle school students to develop projects that mitigate the effects […]
Second Grade Ingenuity on Display at DC Expo
June 9, 2020 by
Second graders learned about Washington, D.C. through the lens of the departments that help make the city run. Students worked together in small groups based on the department of their choice such as the Department of Parks and Recreation and the Department of Public Safety. Each group identified the strengths and weaknesses of their department […]
Milton Students Win Regionals in Cadena Social Entrepreneurship Competition
April 26, 2020 by
Congratulations to eighth graders Mira E. and Gabriella K.-E. on winning first place in the Cadena Initiative Regional Competition and kol hakavod to Nava F., Eleanor F., and Ilana K. who were named finalists in the social entrepreneurship competition. The Cadena Initiative challenges middle school students to develop projects that mitigate the effects of disease, […]
Kindergarteners Dream, Design the Milton Friendship Festival
January 2, 2020 by
Kindergarten re-imagined their Bayit Patuach (Open House) event by launching an interactive event for visiting families that the children dubbed the”Milton Friendship Festival.” In Kindergarten, the overarching theme for the year is community. The teachers decided a study of friendship would be a meaningful way to take a closer look at our community and would […]
Building Communities of Curiosity, Discovery, Connection, and Deep Learning
December 12, 2019 by
Middle school students created communities of curiosity, discovery, and deep learning during our Immersive Learning Week. Students in Grades 6 to 8 engaged in deep dive learning in a number of different fields, including art, Judaic text study, coding, law, nature, and flight. These experiences helped students bond with peers across grade levels in the […]
Guiding Children to be Empathetic Thinkers and Doers – The Rock Creek Park Tzedakah Box Project
May 16, 2019 by
In first grade, MILTON students engage in an in-depth study of Rock Creek Park that includes its flora, fauna, and history, as well as the problems that the park faces. This year, students were interested in adding a tzedakah component to the Rock Creek Park unit. Students formed a tzedakah committee, and determined that they […]
MILTON students made a Board Book for their Teacher’s Baby
April 15, 2019 by
Sixth grade students made board books for their teacher’s baby based on their learning in her Judaic Studies class. The students had learned about Masechet Rosh Hashana, a practice during the Mishna time period of witnesses seeing the new moon and being examined by the Jewish Court to decide when to start each Hebrew month. […]
Interdisciplinary Study of Ancient Greece Optimizes Learning
March 20, 2018 by
An astrophysicist leads our middle schoolers through an exploration of gemara, bringing forth his expertise on the phases of the moon to lend insight into the gemara that deals with identifying the new month. A filmmaker teaches the art of storytelling as he also sheds light on the craft of the investigative historian and the […]