Our Stories

The Importance of Voice and D.C. Statehood: A Second Grade Election Project Update

October 27, 2016 by Janet Collier (Faculty and Staff)

One of the highlights of Second Grade at JPDS-NC is their study of Washington, D.C., so the issue of D.C. statehood was chosen for the Second Graders to grapple with in our Election Project. The journey they took to arrive at a place where that question held relevance was impressive indeed. The Second Grade teachers […]

Students Express, Experience, and Extend Hebrew Learning on Zoo Field Trip

October 27, 2016 by Gila Efrati (Faculty and Staff) Shoshana Sfarzada (Faculty and Staff)

“Hiney Chitah!” (Here is a Cheetah!) “Ani roeh Dov Panda betzeva shachor velavan.” (I see a Panda Bear whose colors are black and white.) “Hapanda ochelet alim.” (The panda is eating leaves.) “Hadov yoshev al sela.” (The bear is sitting on a rock.) These conversations in Hebrew and many more were heard not in the Biblical Zoo […]

Torah Talk for Parashat Bereshit

October 26, 2016 by Sharon Freundel (Community)

In this parasha, we read about ma’aseh bereshit (the Act of Creation); Adam and Chava’s sin of eating fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Bad and their subsequent expulsion from Gan Eden (the Garden of Eden); Kayin’s murder of his brother, Hevel; and the genealogy of Adam and Chava’s descendants, culminating in […]

Sharon Freundel, Director of Jewish Life, Named to Elite Innovation Design Team of Jewish Educators by the Jewish Education Innovation Challenge

October 20, 2016 by Ronit Greenstein (Faculty and Staff)

Sharon Freundel, JPDS-NC’s Director of Jewish Life, has been named one of only 10 Jewish educators in the world who will serve on HaKaveret, an innovation design team focused on improving Jewish education. The team of elite Jewish educators will spend the next year learning with and from each other as well as external experts, […]

Perspectives on Globalization: A Fourth Grade Election Project Update

October 20, 2016 by Janet Collier (Faculty and Staff)

As part of the school-wide Election Project, Fourth Graders are exploring one of the most challenging issues of our day, globalization. The topic was selected because it interconnects with the students’ year-long study of world geography and culture. Fourth Grade students have had the opportunity to engage with experts in the field who are highlighting […]

Torah Talk for Parashat V’zot Habracha

October 19, 2016 by Sharon Freundel (Community)

In this Torah portion, the final one in the Torah, which we will read on Simchat Torah, Moshe gives the tribes of Yisrael a final blessing and dies at the age of 120. The Bnei Yisrael mourn and begin to follow Yehoshua, their new leader. The last chapter of the Torah gives an account of […]

Exploring Public Land Use: A Third Grade Election Project Update

October 13, 2016 by Janet Collier (Faculty and Staff)

Third Graders are focusing on public lands as an important issue for the upcoming election. Their study includes defining what public lands are, exploring how they should be used, and determining whose role it is to take care of them. The topic of public land use dovetails with the Third Grade curriculum which includes learning […]

Fall Alumni Newsletter

October 13, 2016 by Hannah Seidel (Faculty and Staff) Ronit Greenstein (Faculty and Staff)

We begin this new year full of anticipation for what’s to come, particularly our Election Project and construction of our new middle school and expansion of the North Campus! We are thrilled to share these exciting developments and many others with our ever-supportive and engaged alumni community, and to hear all about our change-making alumni’s exciting […]

JPDS-NC Hosts DC Reggio Emilia Alliance Study Group

October 13, 2016 by Melissa Davis (Faculty and Staff)

JPDS-NC hosted the first DC Reggio Emilia Alliance (DCREA) meeting of the school year at the South Campus on Wednesday, September 28. We were honored to host 35 educators from Washington area preschools, independent schools, and public schools at the event. We thank our colleagues from Congregation B’nai Tzedek, St. John’s Episcopal Preschool, Temple Sinai Nursery […]

Torah Talk for Parashat Ha’azinu

October 11, 2016 by Sharon Freundel (Community)

At the end of Moshe’s last speech to Bnei Yisrael, Hashem tells Moshe to write down a song to teach to the Israelites. “Put this song in their mouths,” Hashem says, “so that the words may become a witness for Me against them. After I bring them to the land that flows with milk and […]