Tag: Holidays
Passover Learning, Celebrations, and a Special Visit at Milton!
April 25, 2022 by
The days leading up to Passover are always filled with excitement, but today it was next level – Milton was honored to have a visit with Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff! When we began planning our Pesach assembly a couple months back, we had a great lineup of songs, a flash mob, and an epic round […]
In the News: Jewish Insider Covers Second Gentleman, Doug Emhoff, Visit to Milton
April 25, 2022
Jewish Insider published an article covering the Second Gentleman, Doug Emhoff, visit to Milton as a Passover prep. Read the article here.
In Celebration of Hanukkah Miracles
December 13, 2021 by
This year for Hanukkah, miracles have been abundant. Milton ran one of its four vaccine clinics on the fourth day of Hanukkah. What better way to celebrate a holiday about redemption and rededication? The parents were giddy, saying this was the best Hanukkah present they could receive. Kids were eager to plan a long-awaited playdate […]
Hanukkah: From Scarcity to Abundance
December 18, 2020 by
One of the core Talmudic debates of Hanukkah – emblematic of the productive argumentation between Hillel and Shammai that shapes our tradition – is the question of how one should light the hanukkiah. Do we begin with eight candles to represent the resources that diminish over the holiday OR do we begin with one candle […]
From Yom Kippur to Sukkot: Rebuilding Ourselves
September 27, 2020 by
Even though it is Yom Kippur that begins tonight, spending so much time living, learning, and eating outside this year got me into a Sukkot state of mind very early in 5781. As a shul-goer and parent (and as a grocery shopper), I usually spend a lot of the fall wondering why the hagim come […]
Kudoboard from MILTON Parents
September 21, 2020 by
As we head into the year 5781, we know that it will be sweeter, happier and healthier thanks to you. Many MILTON parents have contributed to a Kudoboard to express their gratitude. Please check out the messages here: https://www.kudoboard.com/boards/WEqykZ1H# Shana Tova and Thanks for a Sweet New Year! With love, the Milton Parents Association (MPA)
Moments of Gratitude
November 22, 2017 by
Gratitude is powerful. It opens the heart. It makes you conscious of all the blessings that are already yours, and better able to see the small miracles in everyday life. The Hebrew term for gratitude is hakarat hatov, which means, literally, “recognizing the good.” This year, MILTON’s Division Directors Melissa Davis, Arielle Derby, and Lisa […]
MILTON Students Commemorate Veterans Day
November 9, 2017 by
This year, MILTON is commemorating Veterans Day in a special way. Every grade created a video highlighting a special project or performance the students did to honor the holiday. Watch our students pay tribute to the beloved MILTON Veterans Day tradition and honor the service of our veterans through song, tikkun olam, performing arts, and […]
Torah Talk for Chol HaMoed Sukkot
October 4, 2017 by
As many of us know, Sukkot is about showing our faith in Hashem by replicating and living in the flimsy structures used by the Bnei Yisrael in the wilderness. This provides a tangible reminder of the fragility of our homes. Given this theme, it is interesting that the dedication of the first Beit HaMikdash, the […]
Happy Passover Video!
April 7, 2017 by
Chag Same’ach! Happy Passover! We hope you enjoy this video of our students learning and celebrating Pesach!