Sixth Grade Documentary Film Premieres
June 8, 2018 by
On June 4, MILTON sixth graders showcased a documentary film they produced as part of their year-long study of leadership, collective memory, and institutional change. The project was part of MILTON’s inaugural Scholar’s Forum, an innovative anchor of the new Moses Family Middle School curriculum. Students learned from parent and community experts about archival research, interview techniques, filmmaking, and more – and connected their study to Jewish texts and values. The resulting film, the sixth graders’ culminating project, premiered at a small screening at AFI Silver Theater on Monday night for the students, their families, the sixth-grade teachers, and the people who participated in the film project.
We are excited to share their documentary film with you. It is a story of courage, vision, engagement, and love. Please enjoy Coming Home: The Story of DC’s Only Jewish Day School.
Kol HaKavod to the Filmmakers
Kol Hakavod to the sixth-grade filmmakers, Producer and Middle School Director Lisa Schopf, and Executive Producer and parent volunteer Abigail Sharon on this achievement.
Thank You to the JPDS/MILTON Community
We owe a debt of gratitude to each and every student, parent, faculty and staff member, grandparent, community partner, donor, and foundation supporter throughout the school’s 29-year history.
The story of JPDS/MILTON is YOUR story, and the school’s success is your legacy. Every day, students benefit from your vision, tireless effort, steadfast commitment, and support. Thank you for being part of the journey with us. May we continue in strength and community.