Our Stories

Second Graders Transform their Classroom into the Human Body for the Art & Science Expo

March 1, 2015 by Class of 2021 (Students)

The Art and Science Expo is a special night at JPDS-NC, when children and parents come to learn in a fun and exciting way! In second grade, we focus on systems within us and around us. One of the systems we learned about is the human body. For the Expo, we decided to transform our classroom into a human body you could walk through!

This could not have been possible without doing research, so we first went to the Maryland Science Center in Baltimore to collect information and ask questions like real scientists. Then, we split into committees based on the different systems in the human body. We used library books and computers to find answers to our questions. “Getting ready for Art and Science night was fun because we go to use what we had learned from our research,” said Aliza Lesser. We created models, activities, and even fake blood for our visitors to explore! The walls were covered in red paper to make it feel like you were inside of a person. We paper mached two big eyeballs and a brain, which hung from the ceiling in our classroom.

“The best part about the night was being a docent and showing our classroom to other children and the parents,” said Michal Nadata. We hope everyone enjoyed their visit into the Chokrim Human Body Museum!