Our Stories

Panda Profile – G’veret Devora Hornstein

December 20, 2023 by Elizabeth Zitelli (Faculty and Staff)

What do you teach? 

Middle School Chumash and Jewish History, Middle School Tefilah Co-Coordinator

Yearbook Moadon Leader, Creative Writing Chug Instructor, North Campus Schedule Coordinator

Why do you teach? 

My usual response when an adult asks me is “do you remember Middle School? It’s a pretty hard time in your life, and if I can make it better for even one kid, then I’m doing something right.” But the deeper answer is that since I was in 4th grade I’ve never imagined myself doing anything other than teaching. What age and what subject has changed over the years (I’ve taught every grade in this school except 2nd), but I am a teacher; it’s an integral part of who I am.

What do you love about MILTON? 

I love that students are free to think however they want, and are given the tools to express those different ways of thinking, and that the staff as a whole truly cares about one another and looks out for each other.

Your teaching style in three words? 

Organized-brain; Multitasker; Excited

Your Hobbies – Pastimes?

Baking, Crocheting, Collecting Earrings

Favorite Food – Sushi
Favorite Team – MILTON Pandas! (Or Yankees or Nats)
Favorite Book – Hope was Here by Joan Bauer or The Prime Ministers by Yehuda Avner
Favorite Movie – Finding Nemo
Favorite Place to Travel – Anywhere with a beach
Tell us about your family (either near or far.)

My parents live in New Jersey. My mother actually used to work here for a short time during Zoom school. I have two siblings who both live in Israel. My brother and sister in law have a one year old baby, and my sister and brother in law just got married this summer.

Do you have a favorite obscure Jewish blessing or reading? 

The Haftorah of Shirat Devora (not just because it’s my name) but the trope marks when you read it following melodically with the progression of the story. Lots of deep, foreboding notes at the dramatic parts, and lots of higher pitched, lighter, notes at the happier parts. Also, it’s a song/poem by her, but she’s not even the hero of her own story, she calls out Yael as the true hero.

Favorite moment at MILTON? 

Getting pied in the face by a student last year.