First Graders Name "Fidget Spinners" in Hebrew
June 2, 2017 by
The Academy of the Hebrew Language, an Israeli educational institution that creates new Hebrew words, is looking to create a unique Hebrew name for fidget spinners. The Zaytim first grade class accepted the challenge and worked to brainstorm four possible names – which they submitted to the Academy!
Their suggestions were: “itzbubon – אִיצְבּוּבוֹן” (a combination of “etzba,” finger, and “sevivon,” top or dreidel), “itzbubon – עִיצְבּוּבוֹן” (a combination of “itzbun,” stimulation, and “sevivon“), “S’viget – סְבִיגֶ’ט” (a combination of “fidget” and “sevivon“) and “spivon – סְפִּיבוֹן” (a combination of “spinner” and “sevivon“).
Kol Hakavod to the first graders for their bilingual creativity!