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Matan S (’17)


Sixth Graders Design Games Based on Greek Epic

December 23, 2016 by Joshua K (’17) (Students) Matan S (’17) (Students)

Sixth Grade students hosted an Odyssey-inspired game fair yesterday. Each Sixth Grader made their own board game or card game based on The Wanderings of Odysseus, the shortened version of The Odyssey that we studied. Once we finished reading the book, we started working on our games. We first needed to decide whether to develop […]

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Pre-Kindergarten and Fourth Grade Report on JPDS-NC’s Yom Chesed (Good Deeds Day)

April 8, 2015 by Adina S (’17) (Students) Eli L (’24) (Students) Eliav B (’17) (Students) Hannah J (’24) (Students) Isaac T (’17) (Students) Joshua A (’24) (Students) Joshua K (’17) (Students) Judah B (’17) (Students) Lily L (’24) (Students) Matan S (’17) (Students) Simon K (’17) (Students) Theo P (’24) (Students)

We had a special Good Deeds Day at JPDS-NC. Every grade performed a different good deed to help the world. As fourth graders, we got to mentor the pre-Kindergarteners, and work with them to bake challahs for the Hebrew Sheltering Home, which provides transitional housing to Jewish people in need. First, we taught Torah to […]

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