Our Stories

Jake Singer-Beilin

Faculty and Staff

Torah Talk for Parashat B’Shalach

January 17, 2019 by Jake Singer-Beilin (Faculty and Staff)

This week is Shabbat Shirah. On this Shabbat, we read Parashat B’Shalach, a section of the book of Exodus which contains the Song of the Sea – the song that Moses, Miriam, and the Israelites sang when they made the unlikely and miraculous transition from slavery to freedom. Soon after this Shabbat is over, the […]

  • Parent-Child Learning

Torah Talk for Parashat Bo

January 9, 2019 by Jake Singer-Beilin (Faculty and Staff)

This week’s parasha, Bo, continues the story that we know so well from the Pesach seder. The Israelites are slaves in Egypt, and Moses is sent to free them. Last week, in Parashat Vaera, we saw the first 7 of the 10 plagues. This week we read about the final three plagues, including makkat b’chorot […]

  • Parent-Child Learning

Torah Talk for Parashat Vaera

January 2, 2019 by Jake Singer-Beilin (Faculty and Staff)

In this parasha, God commands Moshe and Aharon to bring B’nei Yisrael out of Egypt and deliver them from slavery. They receive the message that God will free them, and yet, their spirits still remain heavy. In the middle of the narrative, we find a genealogy of Reuven, Shimon, and Levi, which also includes the […]

  • Parent-Child Learning