Torah Talk for Parashat Shemot
January 18, 2017 by
This Shabbat, we begin reading the second of the five books of Moses: that of Shemot (Exodus). This book concentrates on the Jews’ enslavement in and freeing from Egypt and the beginnings of their wanderings in the wilderness, including the giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai.
In this parasha, Bnei Yisrael become slaves to Paro; Paro’s daughter saves Moshe from the Nile and, after killing an Egyptian taskmaster, Moshe flees to Midian where he marries and has children. Hashem instructs Moshe to liberate the people; Moshe returns to Egypt, and Moshe and Aharon approach Paro, who refuses their request for liberation.
Women are critical to the story line in Parashat Shemot. Read more >