Milton Teams Win Awards at Regional Robotics Competition
December 15, 2021
Two Milton Robotics teams won awards at the regional FIRST Lego Robotics competition! Congratulations to Lego Lightening (sixth grade) on winning the Core Values Award and to Team Teem (seventh grade) on winning the Judges Award! The Core Values Award recognizes extraordinary enthusiasm, teamwork, and sportsmanship among teammates and with other teams. The Judge’s Award celebrates a team that the judges notice and expect great things from in the future.
FIRST Lego League Challenge is an international STEM competition that draws nearly 700K participants from 100 countries. Our student teams have been working together as part of an afterschool program since the first week of school to prepare for the competition. The competition has several components: students had to research a problem related to transporting materials around the world and to individual homes, and present a solution to the judges; they had to design a robot to move autonomously through a course and complete different tasks, such as moving things around the board, flipping switches, and avoiding obstacles.
We are so proud of our students for the teamwork, innovation, creativity, and menschiness they displayed. Kol hakavod to the Industrial Cucumbers (Grade 8 team), Team Teem (Grade 7 team), and Lego Lightening (Grade 6 team). Thank you to our coaches, Sara Short and Chaya Shinensky, and to our parent volunteers for your guidance, support of our students, enthusiasm and dedication. Go Pandas!