Meet the Endowment Committee: Co-Chair John Hasenberg
April 14, 2016
The Hasenberg family’s love affair with JPDS-NC began the day we visited the school in 2009. As our daughter Ellie is now on the verge of graduating and our son Benny looks forward to joining the first class in the Middle School, that relationship continues to flourish. Indeed, it feels like our family has grown up here.
Through a wide variety of volunteer roles — including Purim Ball Chair, Ru’ach Chairs, Trustee, and Board Vice President of Finance — we have made JPDS-NC our philanthropic and life priority. Taking on leadership of the endowment initiative is about extending that commitment well beyond our children’s years on 16th Street.
Our team of parent trustees and volunteers is working with a national cohort of Jewish day schools to build endowments that will ensure each school’s financial sustainability. It has been a privilege to advance this new initiative and to think not only about our children, but about our children’s children and their children too.