Our Stories

Mazal Tov to Adina Kanefield

December 1, 2016 by Naomi Reem (Faculty and Staff)

Dear JPDS-NC community,

I want to let you know that Adina Kanefield will be leaving her position as Director of Institutional Advancement to take a new position as the Deputy Director of the Edlavitch DCJCC. Adina has been a leader and partner with me, the Board, and our entire community on so many of our strategic initiatives related to the school’s growth and success. I am sad to see her leave her position, but I take pride in her growth as a leader for the community and I know that her legacy here will remain strong and allow us to continue building upon the foundation that she created here. She has been a fighter for a vibrant Jewish life in the nation’s capital, and has helped position JPDS-NC as a pillar of Jewish life in Washington, DC. Her good work for the Jewish community will continue, and I look forward to partnering with her in the future.

Adina will leave January 1, but she will be available to us in the transition. As we address this staff change in the interim, the Advancement Office team will continue their excellent outreach work in partnership with the Board, parent volunteers, and myself.

We will have the opportunity to wish Adina well and to honor her at the Purim Ball this year. For now, please join me in thanking Adina for her good work for JPDS-NC and in wishing her much success in her new endeavor. Below is a note that Adina has shared with me about her exciting new opportunity.


Dear Naomi,

After twenty-two fulfilling years at JPDS-NC as a parent, alumni parent, and member of the professional staff, I have decided to accept a new professional position as the Deputy Director of the Edlavitch DCJCC.

We have accomplished great things together over the past eight years since I began my professional career here, and it is because of the school’s position of strength that I feel confident leaving at this juncture. One of my greatest sources of pride has been how we have woven best practices into the fabric of the school and naturally integrated them into all of our advancement work. It is this solid foundation and history of success that will fortify JPDS-NC as it continues to move forward and accomplish even more for the community.

As you know, I viewed my work at JPDS-NC as a cause, guided by a personal and deep commitment to enhance Jewish life and make it relevant. Now, in my new position just down 16th Street, I will continue to strengthen Jewish life in the city for an even broader segment of our community. I look forward to this next chapter and to being a good neighbor and friend as we pursue together the goal of ensuring a dynamic Jewish community in the nation’s capital.

Thank you for the privilege of working for this great cause! It has been a labor of love and an honor to work with you and this very special community.

I, along with Bryan, Nathaniel, Eliana, and Maxwell, will remain a loyal friend and supporter… forever.

With gratitude,
