Our Stories

Candace Manor

Faculty and Staff

Rock Creek Park Project Highlights Multi-Faceted Learning

January 28, 2016 by Candace Manor (Faculty and Staff)

Walking among towering trees, a fish-filled creek, and a brick-lined Peirce Mill, parents visiting JPDS-NC’s South Campus on January 21st could have thought they were taking a ramble through Rock Creek Park. Instead, they were appreciating first graders’ scaled model of the natural treasure that lies not a mile from our classroom doors, the culmination of […]

  • Design Thinking
  • Environmental Education
  • Project Based Learning
  • Washington D.C.

Thinking Critically About American History

May 22, 2015 by Candace Manor (Faculty and Staff)

“History gives us ideas. Let’s say something good happened. We can use it in the future to help people.” “In American History, there’s been a lot of wars, like the War of 1812 and the American Revolution. We can learn about what happened and say, ‘This was wrong’ and ‘I’ll turn it all around and […]

  • Project Based Learning