Tag: #Humanities
Sixth Grade Mounts Exhibition About Ancient Egypt
January 27, 2022 by
Sixth grade mounted an outdoor exhibition about Ancient Egypt, and the students were thrilled to share their in-depth research, academic writing, and creative artifacts with parents. Visitors had the opportunity to examine fascinating artifacts such as scales used in the weighing of the heart ceremony, sphinxes, hieroglyphics, pyramids, assorted mummies and sarcophagi and more – […]
Sixth Grade Mounts Exhibition about Ancient Egypt
January 29, 2021 by
The Middle School Commons has been transformed into an exhibition space about Ancient Egypt. There, visiting cohorts get an up-close look at the daily lives of ancient Egyptians as well as how they thought about death. Developed by sixth grade students, the exhibition features in-depth research and writing about a range of topics as well […]